Friday, February 2


Well you would have noticed that the new year has heralded a distinct lack of craftiness. Because, I have been too busy reading books, buying books, visiting my best friend and starting Miss L at school. Phew! it's been a big week. but then this morning I was reading one of my favourite blogs, and it suddenly dawned on me that the blog meet is only a couple of weeks away - and what have I done about my 15 little gifts? nothing, zilch. Then on top of that I started FREAKING out at the talent that is going to be there - just writing that has got my heart going faster. I have always left things to the last minute (stop nodding Mum!), I don't know why, maybe I'm a little sadistic and like the adrenalin fueled panic that will always surround a project? Part of my trouble is I never think things are going to take as long as they do. So,in an attempt to avoid an all night crazy sewing session, next week is it - 15 pressies must, MUST, be finished by next Saturday. No excuses!


laura capello said...

leave things at the last minute? ha, i don't know what you're talking about.


(i'm *so* guilty)

Anonymous said...

Glad I am not the only one getting a little freaked out about it! I am determined not to do an all nighter on the Friday night which would in turn make me even more flustered on the Saturday. (I'm a last minute girl too)

I have started...but I am partly sewing...I have not sewn in years....all these clever crafty talented sewers and 15 things to give to them. What was I thinking?

So please don't be nervous!!