Thursday, January 1

well here we are at the start of another year...

The award pictured above was given to me for mother's day last year by Miss Whizzme and was recently rediscovered while unpacking. It made me laugh to see that I was proving she knows her mother well, as I had just made Mr Whizzme relocate the cupboard and desk in my craft room. We have spent much of the holidays so far unpacking and rearranging; still piecing together things in our new house. The Whizzme clan is very happy to be found pottering in their new abode: Mr Whizzme is making numerous trips to Bunnings for supplies. Miss Whizzme spends most days taking all her things outside and creating scenarios such as picnic's, fairy realms and camp sites. I am trying extremely hard to spend time in my new craft room crafting rather than cleaning and sorting. So today my first new year resolution is to spend the day there and bugger the rest!

My second resolution is to be better at getting back to those of you who are kind enough to leave comments. I really am going to try, but please don't anyone be holding their breath about this one though!

Thank you for sticking around for another year and reading the haphazard ramblings of Whizzme. Here's to 2009.

Oh and Wally the wonder dog is barking at every bus that has the audacity to stop at the bus stop near our house! Cleverness is not one of his strong points, lucky he has his looks!!


M said...

That award is hillarious!

Happy New Year!

Michelle said...

hope your year is wonderful in your new house...with lots of re-arranging...and lots of crafting...

Anonymous said...

It is a nice blog..

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